Welcome to NewSong

A collective of house churches committed to outreach, discipleship and worshiping Jesus extravagantly
New Worship Music!Tithes

The Oldest Movement in Church History

NewSong is different, but it isn’t new. Our model is uncommon, yet not original. We launched when the COVID lockdowns canceled church, and we wanted to keep gathering. We’ve added a handful of locations since then, and we’re continually learning as we grow. We love the Church in all its forms, and we actively pursue unity. We have impossible dreams and grounded contentment. We want to be vigilant in our study of scripture but famous for how well we love others. We’re ecstatic about the return of King Jesus but committed to bringing heaven to earth in the meantime. We have more fathers than orators, more questions than answers and more hope for the harvest than ever before. We are NewSong.

Sing to him a new song; play skillfully on the strings, with loud shouts. Psalm 33:3 (ESV)


And he said to them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.” Luke 10:2 (ESV)

What started as a neighborhood outreach ministry in downtown Santa Barbara quickly transitioned to a house church during the first quarantine of 2020. Since then, we’ve added microchurches in Southern California, Arizona, Idaho and Latin America.

We’re convinced that Jesus is calling his bride back to her house church origins. If you agree and are interested in being part of the Newsong family, we’d love to hear from you!

NewSong house church locations
NewSong house church locations
NewSong house church locations
NewSong house church locations


NewSong has developed a unique perspective and model for building church community, anchored on these twelve functional convictions. (Read about each one here.)

Lavish Worship

The primary objective of our weekly gatherings is to minister to Jesus; everything else flows from this priority. Starting with worship and prayer, we stay in that posture until the Holy Spirit releases us. Worship is Spirit-led and always emphasizes adoration of the King. We host His presence through tools such as spontaneous and prophetic worship, silence, instrumentation, prayer, celebration, communion, etc. Our goal is to encourage everyone to participate; however, we strive to avoid performance-based worship and people-pleasing structures. Fear of offense will not hold us back from chasing after the heart of the Father in the deepest possible way.

Lavish Worship

The primary objective of our weekly gatherings is to minister to Jesus; everything else flows from this priority. Starting with worship and prayer, we stay in that posture until the Holy Spirit releases us. Worship is Spirit-led and always emphasizes adoration of the King. We host His presence through tools such as spontaneous and prophetic worship, silence, instrumentation, prayer, celebration, communion, etc. Our goal is to encourage everyone to participate; however, we strive to avoid performance-based worship and people-pleasing structures. Fear of offense will not hold us back from chasing after the heart of the Father in the deepest possible way.

Teaching from the Overflow

Our desire is that when a teaching is brought, it’s a rhema word, fashioned by the Holy Spirit strategically for the Body in that moment. It should be meat and not milk, teaching to the vision, not to the least common denominator. Every teaching should be birthed out of the overflow of the intimacy between Jesus and the teacher; in other words, the teacher does not study in order to preach a word, but has a Spirit-inspired word because he/she studies and has been in the presence of Jesus. Click below to access our teaching podcast or listen through Apple or Spotify.

Teaching from the Overflow

Our desire is that when a teaching is brought, it’s a rhema word, fashioned by the Holy Spirit strategically for the Body in that moment. It should be meat and not milk, teaching to the vision, not to the least common denominator. Every teaching should be birthed out of the overflow of the intimacy between Jesus and the teacher; in other words, the teacher does not study in order to preach a word, but has a Spirit-inspired word because he/she studies and has been in the presence of Jesus. Click below to access our teaching podcast or listen through Apple or Spotify.

NewSong Foundations

Training and Equipping for Launching Leaders


Everyone in the Body of Christ is called to leadership because all of us are called to make disciples. NewSong’s leadership training is designed with that call in mind. While we do have several unique distinctives and convictions, the underlying intent is to build the Kingdom, not a church. That imperative, along with our vision and core convictions, is made available through an audio teaching series called Foundations. If you are called to leadership at Newsong, this is where you start!



Gain Access

We use a smartphone app for access to critical NewSong content, including teaching, worship and giving. If you’re part of our community, ask your home church leader to get you setup on the app. If you don’t have a smartphone, your home church leader can provide an alternative solution.

NewSong home church mobile app

Centralized Giving

Tithes & Offerings

Our churches practice centralized giving, which means giving is collected corporately. We do this for two primary reasons: to reduce network-wide administrative efforts and to balance out financial disparities from region to region, such as being able to support pastors in low-income areas.

We’d love to hear from you!

If you have questions or would like more information, send us an email. Thanks for your interest!